Crazy Horse Canyon Cows, 40″x84″



I knew when I moved to Salinas that I wanted to do a cow painting – right away! This one hangs at the top of my stairs and it makes me smile every time I pass by. I had been driving by this area of cow pasture every now and then. I love the drive up Crazy Horse Canyon. One sunny summer morning while passing by to look at the cows, I saw them. And this time they were not just little specs up on the hill. Someone had unloaded a big mound of lettuce leaves and corn husks just inside their fence, next to the road and the cows were right there, happily munching, just waiting for me! I made some quick sketches and took several reference photos. No, I can’t carry a 40″x84″ canvas around with me in my little car. I drive a Veloster and if I were to put a big canvas like that in my car, there would be no room for me. But two weeks later, viola, I finally had my Salinas cow painting. Acrylic on stretched canvas.


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